Tuesday, June 13, 1922

Fair, bright, warm, clear day. Arose 8:45 A.M. Breakfast etc. Repaired rear upper porch at 108 P.P. H.H. & I played tennis at Riverside; 10-8 defeat. Dinner at Pelops. Father and I to Country 5-9 P.M. Hoed etc. Talked. To bed 11 P.M.


Monday, June 12, 1922

Bright, cool, clear, breezy day. Arose 8 A.M. Breakfast. Read paper etc. To Union College Commencement. Rear Admiral Sims of U.S. Navy, Honorary Chancellor. Dinner. Wrote letter to M.J.F. Down street. To Dentists etc. Supper. Out walking with H.H. To bed 11 P.M.

Well, Stanford is apparently staying in touch with Merlin, who must be away at college.

Rear Admiral Sims was a well known naval officer, having distinguished himself during WWI. Here is a brief article about his career in the Encyclopedia Britannica: William Sowden Sims. Below is his picture from when he was President of the Naval War College.
Rear Admiral Sims

Sunday, June 11, 1922

Intermittent sunshine & heavy showers. Much damage done. Arose 9:30 A.M. To Church & S.S. Dinner. Nap in P.M. Letter to Russell etc. To E.L. D.W.S. led. To Baccalaureate. Out with D.W.S. Rode around etc. To bed 12 P.M.

Stanford is back dating Doris Smith again. By now she is 18 years old. But I can't find out what happened to her after 1922.

Saturday, June 10, 1922

Overcast, warm and close with sprinkles. Arose 9:45 A.M. To College-Alumni Day. Marched in parade. Class Stunts etc. Dinner in gym. Watched Baseball and tennis. Home. To College in evening. Seniors Won Ludlow Song Contest. Talked. To bed 10:30 P.M. Folks to Glenville C.

Alumni Day was part of a week of Commencement activities held at Union College. There were quite a few activities, as outlined in a Schenectady Gazette newspaper article on June 8th.

Friday, June 9, 1922

Overcast, warm and humid. Arose 6:30 A.M. Breakfast. Out on business. Dinner. Out again. H.H. & I to Class Day Exercises in Jackson's Garden. To Phi Nu Theta house etc. In evening H.H., M.M.B., R.E.P. and I out with Kissell. Supper at Thompson's Lake. Rode around. FINE TIME. To BED 2 A.M.

Thompson's Lake still exists as a recreation spot in the Albany area. Here is a picture taken from Google Maps:

Thursday, June 8, 1922

Beautiful, bright, hot, day. Arose 7:30 A.M. Breakfast etc. Out to Uncle John's to help him shingle roof. Good time. Dinner & Lunch there. Home. Played tennis with H.H. at Y. Showerbath. Up to Jessie Silvernails'. Talked. To bed 9:30 A.M.


Wednesday, June 7, 1922

Beautiful, bright, hot, clear day. Arose. Breakfast. Out on business. Dinner. In P.M. father and I worked on cellar wall at 144 P.P. Family out for supper at Campbell Ave race track. Walked with H.H. about college etc. To bed 10:30 P.M.

Stillman must have owned 144 Park Place to be working on its cellar wall. There is no longer a structure at that address, though, as you can see from the Google Street View photo, below. It must have been a large apartment building, maybe like the one shown in the background, since in 1920 four families were living under its roof.

Tuesday, June 6, 1922

Overcast with sunshine & showers. Arose 7:15 A.M. Breakfast. Father, H.H. & I to country place 8 A.M. - 3 P.M. Cultivated, hoed, cut lawn etc. Practiced typewriting. Out on business. Supper. Out for ride. Talked. To bed 10 P.M.


Monday, June 5, 1922

Overcast, warm, & muggy. Arose 7:30 A.M. Out on business. Dinner. About town again. Supper. Rain in evening. Wrote letter to Mr. Nielsen. H.H. and I out for walk. Ruth's school orchestra here. Good music. To bed 10:30 P.M.

I wonder what Stanford means by "here"? Did the orchestra come to the Closson's house?

Sunday, June 4, 1922

Beautiful, bright, warm day. Arose 9 A.M. Breakfast etc. To Church & S.S. Dinner. Called on Uncle John & Benedict. To E.L. Cliff Benedict & L. Goddard led. To Church with R.E.P. To Scotia. Talked etc. DOMI a la pes. [Home on foot.] To bed 1 A.M.


Saturday, June 3, 1922

Wet, rainy, mild day. Arose 8 A.M. Breakfast etc. Out on errands. Talked with Miss Gallup at Church. Dinner. Nap in P.M. Down town. Shower at Y. Home. Supper. Played games. Talked etc. To bed 11 P.M.

So, he and Miss Dot Gallup are still friends. That's good.

Friday, June 2, 1922

Overcast, wet, mild day. Arose 6:30 A.M. Breakfast. Out on business. Dinner. Out again. Supper. H.H. and I out. To Public Library. Down town. Lunch. Home. To bed 11 P.M.

I know Stanford must be enjoying his brother's company this summer, having done without him over the last school year when he was at Boston University.

Thursday, June 1, 1922

Fair, bright, warm, breezy day. Arose 8 A.M. Changed tire on ford. Father, H.H. & I to country place. Subdued berry bushes etc. Home. Supper. Delivered eggs. Played tennis at Y with H.H. Shower bath. Wrote letter to R.E.N. Talked. To bed 10:30 P.M.

R.E.N. is Russell Norris, I believe.