Wednesday, March 1, 1922

Fair cool day. Arose 9 A.M. Cleaned up. Out around town. To Board of Education Bl'dg Park Ave & 59th. Found record of Hazel. Talked with her briefly on the telephone. Dinner at Childs. To Grand Central to Jersey City to call for mail. Left on 9:30 train. Arrived in Sch'dy 2:50 A.M. Due 1:25. Some snow.

The New York City Board of Education is no longer at Park Avenue and 59th Street, but interestingly, there is a Trump building there--Trump Park Avenue.

So Stanford finally spoke with Hazel. I wonder if she was avoiding seeing him?

Child's Restaurant was a popular restaurant and one of the earliest chain eateries. Below is a copy of a picture postcard sent by one of the restaurant's workers followed by some history of the place. The card says "Main Office was located at 42 E 14th St," which is now a part of Union Square.
This information was taken from a blog, The Paper Collector. By 1910 Child's had opened 107 restaurants in 29 cities, according to Wikipedia. Below is a photo of the one at 194 Broadway in NYC. Perhaps that's the one Stanford went to.

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