Friday, December 22, 1922

Overcast, mild. Arose 6 A.M. Studied. Breakfast. Packed up etc. Classes 9:30 to 11:30 A.M. To station, dinner etc. 1 P.M. train for Albany. Conley, Benedict, Eberley, Grubo & J. Howarth Young also. Father met us. Talked. Lunch etc. To bed 11:45 A.M. [P.M.] Thankful for health, friends, parents and home!

I guess the college semester lasted a bit longer in those days!

According to the 1922-23 Harvard University Catalogue of Names, J. Howarth Young was a student at Harvard Architectural College, having graduated from Union College in 1922. His home town was Schenectady. I'm guessing Stanford met him at Union before seeing him in Boston. Below is his picture and write-up in the 1922 Union College Yearbook.
In 1920, Mr. Young lived at 35 Glenwood Blvd, Schenectady, with his parents, John & Louise, and his brother William, born in 1915. The houses have since been renumbered, so I can't tell which is his, but the neighborhood is rather upscale, even now. His father worked for GE as a clerk at the time. Howard's paternal grandparents were from England. He does look rather English, I think. Unfortunately, he didn't live very long. He died in 1930, reportedly, but did marry and father a child, William Howarth Young, who lived to be 66.

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