Monday, January 9, 1922

Very mild, bright, wet day. Arose 7:30 A.M. Breakfast. Out on business all day. Bowled at star 516. Supper. Did up accounts. Up to High School to register for typewriting. Downtown. Home. Talked. To bed 10:30 P.M.

I'm not sure what the 516 means in this context. Was that his total score at bowling? Hard to say. Star is of course the Star Bowling Lanes, first mentioned in the 1919 diary here.

So Stanford is taking typewriting, eh? That will prove useful in the coming years. His course may have been structured like the one offered in Summer 1922 at the University of California, Berkeley. Here is the description, taken from the 1922 Register:

Below is a picture of the kind of typewriter Stanford may have been using. This 1922 machine is listed for sale on E-Bay.

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