Thursday, November 23, 1922

Beautiful, bright, cool & clear. Arose 7:15 A.M. Breakfast in room. Classes 9:30-11:30 A.M. Dinner. Worked 12 M to 2 P.M. Classes 2:15 to 4:45 P.M. Down town. Supper. Studied. Birthday spread at 11 P.M. Great time. To bed 1 A.M. Thankful for health, friends, good parents.

So, Stanford's 22nd birthday was spent presumably with friends, although he doesn't say who they were.

This day would have been Thanksgiving if they were following the tradition we have now, where Thanksgiving takes place on the fourth Thursday in November. But in 1922, Thanksgiving was still on the last Thursday in November, as it had been since Abraham Lincoln declared it a national holiday in 1863. Before that, November 26th had been set as a national day of thanksgiving by George Washington in 1789.

In 1939, Thanksgiving Day was changed to the fourth Thursday in November by FDR. He wanted to provide a boost to the Christmas season by starting it a week earlier.

The above information was taken from, a Bend, Oregon TV station website.

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