Sunday, July 30, 1922

Beautiful, bright and warm. Arose 4:30 A.M. Out for walk. Climbed mountain. Breakfast. To Church in A.M. and afternoon. Bishop Thirkield spoke. Dr. Murdock in P.M. To Schroon Lake in P.M. [with] Mr. & Mrs. Harry Jacobs. Took walk etc. To bed 10:15.

Wilbur P. Thirkield
Bishop Thirkield was Wilbur P. Thirkield, a prominent Methodist minister from Ohio. Interestingly, he attended Ohio Wesleyan University and Boston University School of Theology. He was interested in African American issues and "championed the cause of education for African Americans," according to a Wikipedia article about him. He knew Booker T. Washington and served for a time as president of Howard University. His talk must have been interesting for the folks in Schenectady.

Shroon Lake is in the Adirondacks, about 80 miles northeast of Glenville. It's a pretty place to visit.
Shroon Lake Region, taken from Google Maps

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